When the last rice ran out...

I am Daw Harsinar, living in Aungbara (Aungmingalar Ward), Sittwe, Rakhine State. There are eight members in my family. My husband is paralysed. One of my sons is tailoring but has no regular income. It depends on daily work. The Mocha cyclone wiped out our house and now we are living in a tent. It is not strongly built. We have no money to rebuild our house. It is a very hard time to have daily food for my family now. As having hardship, I think that it would be better if the Mocha cyclone killed all of us.
Last Sunday, honestly speaking, after having lunch, I had no more rice to cook for anther meal in the evening. While I was cooking, the chief of the ward informed me that my family would get aid (rice and some other items). After hearing the news, I could not find any words to express how happy I felt. It is like a dawn after midnight. As the chief and team arranged to receive the aid at the chief’s house, without having any problems, I received rice and some other items supported by CEE. I think that it will cover three weeks to survive for my family. I pray to Allah that CEE would be able to donate more to needy people.
Daw Harsinar with our Country Director