Enough for one month
I am Daw Than Khin, living in North Sanpya Ward, Sittwe, Rakhine State. There are six members in my family. All of us are odd job men and women. The Mocha cyclone hit our house badly and it was totally damaged. We had to make a tent and temporarily live there. So far, we do not have enough money to repair our house. Even for daily survival, it is a very hard time now for us. We all are disappointed because there are no jobs and money. In addition, my husband and son are not well.
In this juncture, last Saturday, the chief of the ward and team informed me that my family would receive humanitarian aid – rice and some other items – on Sunday. So all the urgent, needy families in our ward had to come to the dharmayone(a place for Buddhist community and religious activities) and receive the aid donated by CEE. Now we have rice and some other items and I hope that it will be enough for one month for survival. CEE is the first local non-government organisation coming and providing rice and other items to the needy people in our ward after the Mocha cyclone. I wish that all who are working with CEE could help more as there are many other people in need of help.
CEE is GWM’s implementing body in Rakhine State
Photo of Daw Than Khin with our Country Director